Pokémon are fictional creatures which humans, known as Pokémon Trainers, catch and train to battle each other for sport. The Pokémon franchise includes 729 revealed species of the title characters. Here we listed Complete List of all Pokemon in Pokémon Go. Pokémon can be organized according to a number of different attributes. The Pokemon GO Pokedex only includes the first 151 Pokemon. This is a list of Pokémon in the order dictated by the National Pokédex, meaning that Pokémon from the Kanto region will appear first, followed by those from Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos. Each region's set of Pokémon starts with its own set of starter Pokémon and their evolutions, going in order of Grass, Fire, Water; the only exception is Unova, which begins with Victini, who is then followed by the starter Pokémon. There have been changes in the way of Pokemon Evolution with the new introduction to Pokemon Candy. Each Pokemon with a potential evolution form will require such Candy to Evolve. The Pokemon GO Pokedex informs all trainers of which Pokemon evolve, how many Candy’s are required to Evolve that Pokemon. More information will be added as more information is released about the game. The first 151 entries in this Pokédex also serve as Kanto's regional Pokédex. In Generation II, this Pokédex order was known as the "Old Pokédex", with a new order that put related Pokémon near each other also included.
Bulbasaur (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
Ivysaur (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
Venusaur (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
Charmander (Type: Fire)
Charmeleon (Type: Fire)
Charizard (Type1: Fire, Type2: Flying)
Squirtle (Type: Water)
Wartortle (Type: Water)
Blastoise (Type: Water)
Caterpie (Type: Bug)
Metapod (Type: Bug)
Butterfree (Type1: Bug, Type2: Flying)
Weedle (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
Kakuna (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
Beedrill (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
Pidgey (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
Pidgeotto (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
Pidgeot (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
Rattata (Type: Normal)
Raticate (Type: Normal)
Spearow (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
Fearow (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
Ekans (Type: Poison)
Arbok (Type: Poison)
Pikachu (Type: Electric)
Raichu (Type: Electric)
Sandshrew (Type: Ground)
Sandslash (Type: Ground)
Nidoran? (Type: Poison)
Nidorina (Type: Poison)
Nidoqueen (Type: Poison)
Nidoran? (Type: Poison)
Nidorino (Type: Poison)
Nidoking (Type: Poison)
Clefairy (Type: Fairy)
Clefable (Type: Fairy)
Vulpix (Type: Fire)
Ninetales (Type: Fire)
Jigglypuff (Type: Normal)
Wigglytuff (Type1: Normal, Type2: Fairy)
Zubat (Type1: Poison, Type2: Flying)
Golbat (Type1: Poison, Type2: Flying)
Oddish (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
Gloom (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
Vileplume (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
Paras (Type1: Bug, Type2: Grass)
Parasect (Type1: Bug, Type2: Grass)
Venonat (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
Venomoth (Type1: Bug, Type2: Poison)
Diglett (Type: Ground)
Dugtrio (Type: Ground)
Meowth (Type: Normal)
Persian (Type: Normal)
Psyduck (Type: Water)
Golduck (Type: Water)
Mankey (Type: Fighting)
Primeape (Type: Fighting)
Growlithe (Type: Fire)
Arcanine (Type: Fire)
Poliwag (Type: Water)
Poliwhirl (Type: Water)
Poliwrath (Type1: Water, Type2: Fighting)
Abra (Type: Psychic)
Kadabra (Type: Psychic)
Alakazam (Type: Psychic)
Machop (Type: Fighting)
Machoke (Type: Fighting)
Machamp (Type: Fighting)
Bellsprout (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
Weepinbell (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
Victreebel (Type1: Grass, Type2: Poison)
Tentacool (Type1: Water, Type2: Poison)
Tentacruel (Type1: Water, Type2: Poison)
Geodude (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
Graveler (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
Golem (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
Ponyta (Type: Fire)
Rapidash (Type: Fire)
Slowpoke (Type1: Water, Type2: Psychic)
Slowbro (Type1: Water, Type2: Psychic)
Magnemite (Type1: Electric, Type2: Steel)
Magneton (Type1: Electric, Type2: Steel)
Farfetch'd (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
Doduo (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
Dodrio (Type1: Normal, Type2: Flying)
Seel (Type: Water)
Dewgong (Type1: Water, Type2: Ice)
Grimer (Type: Poison)
Muk (Type: Poison)
Shellder (Type: Water)
Cloyster (Type1: Water, Type2: Ice)
Gastly (Type1: Ghost, Type2: Poison)
Haunter (Type1: Ghost, Type2: Poison)
Gengar (Type1: Ghost, Type2: Poison)
Onix (Type1: Rock, Type2: Ground)
Drowzee (Type: Psychic)
Hypno (Type: Psychic)
Krabby (Type: Water)
Kingler (Type: Water)
Voltorb (Type: Electric)
Electrode (Type: Electric)
Exeggcute (Type1: Grass, Type2: Psychic)
Exeggutor (Type1: Grass, Type2: Psychic)
Cubone (Type: Ground)
Marowak (Type: Ground)
Hitmonlee (Type: Fighting)
Hitmonchan (Type: Fighting)
Lickitung (Type: Normal)
Koffing (Type: Poison)
Weezing (Type: Poison)
Rhyhorn (Type1: Ground, Type2: Rock)
Rhydon (Type1: Ground, Type2: Rock)
Chansey (Type: Normal)
Tangela (Type: Grass)
Kangaskhan (Type: Normal)
Horsea (Type: Water)
Seadra (Type: Water)
Goldeen (Type: Water)
Seaking (Type: Water)
Staryu (Type: Water)
Starmie (Type1: Water, Type2: Psychic)
Mr. Mime (Type1: Psychic, Type2: Fairy)
Scyther (Type1: Bug, Type2: Flying)
Jynx (Type1: Ice, Type2: Psychic)
Electabuzz (Type: Electric)
Magmar (Type: Fire)
Pinsir (Type: Bug)
Tauros (Type: Normal)
Magikarp (Type: Water)
Gyarados (Type1: Water, Type2: Flying)
Lapras (Type1: Water, Type2: Ice)
Ditto (Type: Normal)
Eevee (Type: Normal)
Vaporeon (Type: Water)
Jolteon (Type: Electric)
Flareon (Type: Fire)
Porygon (Type: Normal)
Omanyte (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
Omastar (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
Kabuto (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
Kabutops (Type1: Rock, Type2: Water)
Aerodactyl (Type1: Rock, Type2: Flying)
Snorlax (Type: Normal)
Articuno (Type1: Ice, Type2: Flying)
Zapdos (Type1: Electric, Type2: Flying)
Moltres (Type1: Fire, Type2: Flying)
Dratini (Type: Dragon)
Dragonair (Type: Dragon)
Dragonite (Type1: Dragon, Type2: Flying)
Mewtwo (Type: Psychic)
Mew (Type: Psychic)
Source: Pokemon GO Wiki Guide
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Source: Pokemon GO Wiki Guide
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